The Bonnie Tapes

Mental Illness in the Family
(26 minutes)

Bonnie and members of her family talk about her illness
and its impact on all of them. They recall their helplessness
and confusion when she became ill,
and their emotions and reactions in the years that followed.

Topics include:
  • Keeping the illness a secret
  • "Could I have done something to prevent her illness?"
  • Bonnie's anger, paranoia, delusions-and guilt
  • The threat to the marriage
  • Special problems that affect siblings

Recovering from Mental Illness
(27 minutes)

What does it feel like to have schizophrenia? Bonnie talks about
learning to cope with her illness, and she and her family discuss her progress.
With Andrea Blodgett, M.S.W., of McLean Hospital, Belmont, Mass.

Topics include:
  • The devastation of realizing you're ill
  • Being written off
  • The reality of the voices
  • Not wanting to take medications
  • The difficulty of deciding how much to expect
  • Recognizing recovery

My Sister Is Mentally Ill
(22 minutes)

Bonnie's sister Kathy talks candidly about her emotions and the
problems she has faced having a sister with schizophrenia. A unique tape on sibling issues
that will interest other family members as well as professionals. With Linda Husar, M.S.W.
(Includes some scenes from Mental Illness in the Family.)

Topics include:
  • Being afraid but not talking about it
  • Guilt
  • Trying to be perfect
  • Concerns about marriage, having children, estate planning, the future

Buy all three and save 20%
(See How To Order for details)

Praise Description Quotes from Bonnie How to Order Video Credits

The Mental Illness Education Project, Inc.
P.O. Box 470813, Brookline Village, MA 02147
(617) 621-9700