Use this order form or call 1-800-343-5540

It's easy! If you have access to a printer just print this form out and just mail or fax it in.
If you don't have access to a printer just call the toll free number above or
just copy the info below and mail or fax it in.

Families Coping With Mental Illness
Unit Price
__ 22-min. version
__ 43-min. version
Discounted price for family members:
(prepaid by check, MC, or VISA)
__ 22-min. version
__ 43-min. version
Shipping & handling: $9 per shipment* $_________
Tax-deductible contribution to the
Mental Illness Education Project:
TOTAL: $_________
*Order both versions and we pay shipping!

YES! Send tapes to the address I have given below.

____My check (or institutional purchase order) for
$____________ is enclosed
____Charge my: ___MC ___VISA

___________________________________ ____/____/____
Account number Expiration date

Send or fax order form to:
Mental Illness Education Project Videos
22-D Hollywood Ave., Hohokus, NJ. 07423
Credit card orders: 1-800-343-5540
Fax: 1-201-652-1973

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