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Families Coping with Mental Illness

(22 minutes and 43 minutes)

Ten people discuss having a relative with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.
Insights into the problems of living with mental illness ...

In two versions: a 22-minute version ideal for short classes and workshops, and a richer 43-minute version with more examples and details.

For families--

Many families have never met others who have a mentally ill family member. Whether you know other families or have been coping alone, Families Coping With Mental Illness can be a profound experience.

  • View the tape at home, with other members of your family, with friends, or by yourself, for both education and encouragement.
  • Use it for with family groups, at Alliance of the Mentally Ill meetings, and with other support groups.
  • Use the tape in groups including both family members and professionals. The sharing of experiences from many viewpoints will help professionals and family members understand one another!

For mental health professionals--

Many professionals, unfamiliar with what families experience, want more guidance in their relationships with families. Students in a variety of health professions find the insights eye-opening.

  • Use this videotape to stimulate rich discussions in classes and seminars for students, professionals and others.
  • Show it to groups of family members for education as well as support.
  • Provide it to hospital and emergency room staffs to lend to families.
  • Use it in police training and with others whose duties involve people with mental illness and their families.
  • Show Families Coping With Mental Illness to general audiences to provide insights into the problems of living with mental illness. The warmth and compassion of the participants in the tape help combat the stigma of mental illness.

The Participants include ten parents and siblings from the Boston, Massachusetts area. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are both rep-resented, with lengths of illness ranging from three to 40 years. The discussions are conducted by Joan Nemser, M.S.W. and Lenore Pollen, M.S.W., social workers with extensive experience giving seminars for families.


A provocative tape that will stimulate excellent discussions. Families will get a perspective that will help them to cope more effectively.

Dale Johnson, Ph.D.
University of Houston
Former president, National Alliance for the Mentally Ill

The videotapes will be invaluable in empowering families to become part of the treatment and rehabilitation process.

William A. Anthony, Ph.D.,
Executive Director,
Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Boston University, Boston, Mass

"This videotape shows real people talking about their experiences with the mental illness of family members. It conveys, as no textbook can, their struggles and their wisdom. One theme is the profound importance of respectful, informative, and sensitive professional response - and its too frequent absence. Professionals in training should see this tape. It is a powerful learning tool, particularly for social workers and others attempting to help families cope with mental illness."

Professor Ann Fleck-Henderson
Chair, Human Behavior and Social Environmental Department
Simmons College School of Social Work, Boston, Mass.

The goals of the project and the video tape are extraordinary. Because of the quality and usefulness of what you are doing within the project for families and professionals, I hope we can be helpful.

Michael M. Faenza,
Executive Director,
Mental Health Association of Greater Dallas, Dallas, Texas

VHS format only

Families Coping with Mental Illness (22 minute version)
$99.95 [Add to Cart]  [View Cart]
Families Coping with Mental Illness (43 minute version)
$99.95 [ Add to Cart]  [ View Cart]

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