Ordering off this web site.

It's easy! Just fill in the appropriate boxes below. We accept VISA and MasterCard(MC).
Any questions you may have about your order can be sent to TMCNDY@aol.com

Quantity Name of tape
Mental Illness in the Family (26 min)
Recovery from Mental Illness (27 min)
My Sister Is Mentally Ill (22 min)

Total number of tapes
Institutions You pay
1 tape $59.95 plus $9.00 S&H .........................................$68.95
Any 2 tapes (save S&H) ...............................................$119.90
All 3 tapes (20% discount) .............................................$143.88
4 or more tapes .......................................................$47.95 each
Family Members (Prepaid by check, MC or VISA) You pay
1 tape $29.95 plus $9.00 S&H .........................................$38.95
Any 2 tapes (save S&H) .................................................$59.90
All 3 tapes (20% discount) ..............................................$71.88
4 or more tapes .......................................................$23.95 each
Tax-deductible contribution to the
Mental Illness Education Project:
Please enter your total or p.o. amount: $

Charge my: MC VISA

Account number Expiration date
Name (as it apears on card)
Name of recipient (if different than above)
E-mail address
Street address
City/Town State/Province Zip code

Thank you very much!
Check if you have typed in everything correctly!
Then press "Submit form" to continue...

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